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Carlotta's mission is to educate, inspire, connect, and support individuals in making extraordinary shifts in their lives that result in transformation and well-being. She currently leads a graduate school of education in Indiana and has over 30 years of experience in education, as a teacher, administrator, and leader in educational non-profits.  She is passionate about storytelling, grateful for family & friends, adores her groom of 30 years, and has too many pets.

Carlotta grew up in small-town Indiana on Will Street.  It was there she committed her life to education.  The elementary school was her safe place.  She found her worth and validation in school performance.  Will Street is the beginning of her story – a story of success and hurt.

EPT has helped Carlotta navigate her past and present by providing her with a forgiveness mindset to address daily stress, emotional pain, and trauma.  For Carlotta, Will Street became more than a foster care address; it literally became her will for a better future.  She remembers the sunflowers in that small town that beckoned her to stand tall and keep focused on the light.  In this next phase of her life, Carlotta wants to support others in their will to wellness. 

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Carlotta's Story...

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